Cynthia Viola Photography


Trash the Dress Shoot at Brown Mountain Beach Resort

Wedding PhotographyCynthia Viola
The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for a newer and richer experience
— Eleanor Roosevelt

If you have followed me for any amount of time, you know trash the dress photography is my all time favorite type of shoot. The wild abandon of breaking the “rules.” The sheer joy that comes with splashing water on your love when you’re “not supposed to.” The simple fact that you get authentic memories of a moment that wasn’t buried in tradition and expectation, but wild and free, just like your new love.

Katie and Dan wanted those moments too and with as much fun as we had on their adventurous engagement session at Otter Falls, we knew we made a great team.

Of course Brown Mountain Beach was the perfect venue for capturing everything they were looking for. They wanted to include their best girl Kimura, ride off on their motorcycle, hop in the canoe, and of course, jump in the icy mountain water! I couldn’t have dreamed up a more perfect shoot if I wanted to!

While perfect photos in a proper, clean dress and suit certainly hold value and help you remember your wedding day, you cannot deny that you could ever forget holding onto your train so it didn’t get caught in the engine as you road away on a motorcycle, or dying laughing as your splashed your love and danced in an icy mountain river barefooted as the sun set in the background.

There are days that need to be remembered, and then there are memorable days. And I submit that the spontaneous moments that catch us by surprise in between the planned ones, are the ones that will never leave us.

I’m ready for your next adventure whenever you are.

Cindy and Logan's Engagement on Watauga Lake

Engagement PortraitsCynthia Viola
The ship is safest in the port. But that’s not what ships were made for
— Paulo Coelho
Canoe engagement photo shoot

Sometimes you come across people who you know will be lifetime friends the moment you meet them. Cindy and I chatted back and forth for months before this shoot happened and talked about all sorts of adventure options. She and Logan can be found on some sort of adventure just about every week.

The fact that they met snowboarding on Appalachian Ski Mountain was a great indicator to where their relationship was heading. (He did propose while snowboarding in Brekenridge after all) And with their first date canoeing on Watauga Lake, we just had to reenact it for their engagement photos. Little Marcie certainly approved.

Sunrise was not the easiest of course, the lake was almost an hour away and we needed to be there by 6 to make sure we caught the light, but it was totally worth it, as it always is. I met them at their house bright and early and they offered me some Chai…which I happened to already have in my thermos, so I knew we’d be besties before the day was over. ;)

Canoe engagement photo shoot with dog
Canoe engagement photo shoot with dog

We had a cute little duck follow us around for a good part of the morning which we all loved. But when we got to the island where we planned to shoot, we found about a dozen tents with tenants sound asleep! We tried to sneak around and whisper to get some of the photos, but one of their hounds alerted them of the intruders and we dove back into the boats to give them some peace. Oops!

Canoe engagement photo shoot with dog
Canoe engagement photo shoot with dog

It was such a perfect day and I’m SO excited to see what adventure awaits their wedding guests next year!