Cynthia Viola Photography

Jordan's Bar Mitzvah at Traine

Bar/Bat MitzvahCynthia Viola
The ship is safest in the port. But that’s not what ships were made for.
— Paulo Coelho
Raleigh Bar Mitzvah

More and more, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs are becoming my favorite events to shoot, and it's because of incredible young adults like Jordan. I met him a couple months ago when we began the planning stages of his big party and thought he was incredibly polite and had a sweet 12 year old excitement in him, (he's a huge baseball fan). Similarly when I met up with him a few weeks ago for his baseball portraits I thought he was adorable and super fun. 

The transformation that happens in the last few weeks of Bar and Bat Mitzvah training, however, never ceases to amaze me. The stress of memorizing so much Hebrew, the pressure to fully understand a passage of scripture and make it relatable to your family and peers and to actually stand up in front of them with confidence that all the hard work put in made a difference - it changes them. 

Raleigh Bar Mitzvah

They're only thirteen of course, so they still have a liveliness about them and ability to play and enjoy the world, but they're also somehow much wiser than they were at twelve. Listening to Jordan practice his Torah Portion during the rehearsal I almost choked up. He made it relevant to his love of baseball, and connected the dangers of favoritism in a simple school sport with the greater dangers facing world today in a growing racially divided world. His maturity both on and off stage this weekend was awesome. 

Additionally, you will not find a more awesome family. Their love for each other pours out in everything they do, Jeff and Jodi have set such an incredible example of what it means to love each other fiercely and make life an epic party. Their extended family attests to that as well, they poured in from all over the country to celebrate this weekend. And I've said it before but nothing makes me happier than a great sibling relationship; Rachel and Jordan are the very best of friends, they pick on each other relentlessly and always have time for a huge bear hug. Love them. 

I'm so glad I got to participate in your huge day Jordan! SO proud of you!

Raleigh Bar Mitzvah
Raleigh Bar Mitzvah
Raleigh Bar Mitzvah
Raleigh Bar Mitzvah
Raleigh Bar Mitzvah
Raleigh Bar Mitzvah

(The three of us *might* have agreed not to tell mom that he jumped off a train before entering the party lol. I mean, who am I to deny a teen two of my favorite things: risk and adventure) :)

Raleigh Bar Mitzvah
Raleigh Bar Mitzvah
Raleigh Bar Mitzvah
Raleigh Bar Mitzvah
Raleigh Bar Mitzvah


The Vendors who made the weekend possible:

Photographer: Cynthia Viola Photography

Synagogue: Beth Meyer

Rabbi: Eric Solomon

Tutor: Cathy Kaplan

Reception Venue: Traine

Flowers: Fallon's Flowers

Catering: Catering Works

DJ: Damien Maass

Photobooth: ZimZoom