Cynthia Viola Photography


The Wilson Family at Home

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment
— Carlos Santana
Cary, NC family photography

I'm pretty sure you've never met someone with a bigger smile than George... aka Mike. I remember doing box jumps at Iron Tribe a couple months ago and he tripped, somehow gashing his arm open (to the point of stitches) and he just kept on smiling and tried to keep jumping (though the coaches promptly stopped him to prevent further injury). 

Then after he got the stitches, he still kept smiling, and kept coming back to the gym as if nothing had ever happened. I was so impressed. It was no surprise to me that photographing his family was a breeze. The whole family was just so happy and willing to do any of the crazy things I suggested, sure to include little Max along the way. 

Of course Blake and Austin were all too willing to pick on each other and their home and neighborhood served as a perfect backdrop for their portraits. Hope you enjoy a few of these favorites from the day!

Cary, NC family portraits
Cary, NC family portraits
Cary, NC family portraits
Cary, NC family portraits
Cary, NC family portraits

The Guilfoyle Family at MacGregor Downs

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold
— Zelda Fitzgerald
MacGregor Downs Family Session

This day included so much perfection, I can hardly stand it! Kristi and Mike had access to the golf course at MacGregor Downs Country Club and asked about shooting there. I was, of course, ecstatic! Not only because I love shooting in new locations, but LOOK at it! Exquisite golf courses, beautiful landscaping, every spot we chose was perfect. 

The flowers they brought were a fantastic compliment to their beautiful dresses, the weather was amazing and and we were able to play in between holes as various golfers teed off around us. Mike said he has been playing golf for 27 years, it was actually one of the reasons they moved here, so this was an excellent setting for them. 

I actually feel like I've been friends with Kristi since we first started chatting about the shoot a few months ago, she is an amazing encourager and loves Keira and Mike so much. 

Keira was just so much fun right out of the car, we became fast friends and she even gave me a huge hug when we were finished. I melted. Can't wait to hang out with you guys again! I hope you enjoy looking back through these images! 

MacGregor Downs Family Session
MacGregor Downs Family Portraits
MacGregor Downs Family Portraits
MacGregor Downs Family Portraits