“If you have crazy friends, you’ll have everything you’ll ever need”
There are no words to describe how fun this weekend with Joe and Angela turned out to be! Joe asked for a simple, low key thing to celebrate his 50th birthday, so, naturally, she invited a ton of their friends to the beach and had the biggest extravaganza ever! Complete with custom made Koozies, Tervis cups, an Instagram cutout, a professional chef, and well, me and A.J. :)
When we walked in the front door Friday night and the collective greeting was "catch up" we knew we were going to have a blast. The food, the pool, the beach, the banter and the constant teasing of Joe made the whole weekend so much fun! I think this just might be my new favorite style of shoot. We stayed the whole weekend, capturing things as they happened as well as had a time for portraits for every couple on the beach. I seriously can't say enough good things.
Every time Joe got kissed or grabbed or dog-piled on (which was frequently) he raised his hand and yelled "I'm uncomfortable!" making everyone stop for a second then press in that much more. Such an awesome group of friends!
Sometimes with wedding parties, if I have the right crowd, I'll play around and prompt them to kiss the person closest to them...this is always just to make them laugh. THIS group, of course, took me completely seriously, however, and the shenanigans that followed had me rolling.
You guys I love you all dearly! Thank you so much for inviting us to participate in such a fun weekend! You are the very best friends Joe (or anyone) could ask for. :)