Cynthia Viola Photography

The Pace Family at the NC Museum of Art

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Family Photos at NC Museum of Art

This morning's brisk session at the NC Museum of Art was so fun with this sweet family of adventurers. I love it when knowing one amazing family leads you to meeting another amazing family which leads you to another... This world is just so big, it's amazing how small it can feel. 

This bunch loves to be outdoors and often explores the grounds of NCMA (three times this weekend actually!) Little Ellie even loves rock climbing already and was all too willing to climb any tree or wall or big rock we came across. I love that they encourage that in her, she's going to be so strong when she gets older. 

I hope you guys enjoy a few of my favorites from the day! 

Family Photos at NC Museum of Art
Family Photos at NC Museum of Art