“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart”
Any day I get to hang out with Chrissy is good day. This woman is so genuine in her love for her family and for life in general it overflows to the rest of us. Even when her kiddos are causing mayhem (never mind the new hole in the wall, thanks Finn) she has a huge smile on her face and laughter in her heart. She's truly such an amazing mom. I'm so happy we were able to capture some authentic moments this weekend. The littles are just growing so fast we don't want to forget their high pitched squeals of joy and unabashed grins when you tickle them.
Charlie's current love is airplanes...excuse me...jet planes. He knows details about every one of them and matches the sound they make perfectly. He loves to adventure through the yard and admires every single engine based machine that's ever produced noise.
Finn is trying hard to keep up with his big brother but his love of planes is no less intense. He's a tiny bit shy but that doesn't keep him from adventuring with Charlie. They are a perfect pair. Hope you enjoy a few of my favorites from the day :)