Cynthia Viola Photography

First Birthday

Anthony's First Birthday!

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
— Omar Khayyam
one year old

This week our nephew turns one! Oh my goodness! I cannot believe an entire year has gone by nor that we live down here now and get to participate in these (almost weekly) family parties and gatherings. It seems like just yesterday we were at the hospital welcoming him into this big world.

Amber and Tony decided to do a Lumberjack themed birthday party for the little guy so everyone wore flannel to participate. They had fun themed food, cornhole and of course a bonfire with s'mores! (My favorite). 

Family of 3
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party
Lumberjack Themed Party

Anthony wasn't so sure about the cake at first. Not having tried anything so sweet prior, he probably thought it was a dream. He also wasn't sure about eating with his hands, preferring his utensils, but he was more than willing to share with anyone who wanted a bite. :)

Lumberjack Themed Cake Smash

We had so much fun celebrating with everyone. We're so excited to watch you grow up little guy! Can't wait to take you on some serious adventures in the coming years!

Lumberjack Themed Cake Smash

Joyner Park Cake Smash | Hazel Grace

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime full of adventures
— Lewis Carroll
First birthday Cake Smash

As we were walking through Joyner Park we were astounded that it was somehow already September, I swear just a month ago little Hazel was gracing us with her presence at Rex, and not more than a week ago she was reading her favorite book at Pullen

Amber and Eric have been such incredible parents to this little heart in her first year, they love her independence and encourage it. They want her to have all the adventures and are excited to experience them with her. I'm so excited I get to watch her grow up with you guys! She's perfect! Happy Birthday little one!

First birthday Cake Smash
joyner park family portraits
First birthday Cake Smash
First birthday Cake Smash
First birthday Cake Smash
First birthday Cake Smash
First birthday Cake Smash
First birthday Cake Smash

Luca's First Birthday!

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter
— Brad Henry
First Birthday Photo Shoot

I am pretty sure you've never met a more adorable and beautiful family than the Beldens. Not only are they gorgeous but they are such amazing assets in the community, loved by everyone they meet and doing everything they can to make a positive impact in our city. 

It's just an added bonus that Lyla and Luca are the most adorable Gerber models out there. I just died when they pulled Luca out of the car shirtless and barefooted and started putting on his suspenders! He has the very best personality already and just loves to explore all the things. 

Something that doesn't always come across in family portraits are the images in between the good ones. Poor Lyla was not excited about having her photo taken and decided to pout in the corner while we took photos of Luca...but then, she didn't want to be left out. She couldn't make up her mind between participating in what the family was doing (which she didn't want to do) and being alone. Such good life lessons. 

First Birthday Photo Shoot

Eventually we were able to promise her that if she'd participate, and be happy about it, I would come back to her house after to eat ice cream (for breakfast) and play with her favorite toys. Did I mention I have the best job on the planet? SUCH a great day! Thank you guys for allowing me to capture this special day! 

First Birthday Photo Shoot
First Birthday Photo Shoot

(this is a flash back from Lyla's one year session a couple years ago... notice any similarities) :) 

First Birthday Photo Shoot
First Birthday Photo Shoot
First Birthday Photo Shoot

The Buscemi Family at Wallace Wade Stadium

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it.
— Mandy Hale
Family Photos at Wallace Wade Stadium

When Meme said Mike had access to Duke University's Stadium the "yes!" burst out of my mouth faster than I could type it back to her in an email. I've never had the opportunity to shoot in a stadium before, so this was an awesome first experience. As Mike pulled up to greet me in a golf cart, I knew an adventure was about to take place. What I didn't realize was that he had access to Duke Chapel and Duke Gardens as well, so of course we adventured in the golf cart to all three. 

Little James wasn't so sure about everything at first, but ended up having so much fun. What one year old wouldn't want to celebrate in style on Brooks Field?!? We may or may not have found ourselves in one or two places we weren't exactly supposed to be but I won't tell if you won't. ;)

They both said they are looking forward to his next season of being able to walk - which means the adventure is just beginning. Can't wait to see what you'll discover James! Hope you guys enjoy looking through a few of my favorites from the day!

Family Photos at Wallace Wade Stadium
Family Photos at Wallace Wade Stadium
Family Photos at Wallace Wade Stadium
Family Photos at Wallace Wade Stadium

Lucy Anne's First Birthday at Pullen Park

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of Love.
— Mother Teresa

Before offering suggestions of places to capture our photography adventures, I like to ask my couples and families if there is any location that holds value to them that might make the session that much more meaningful. I just love that Pullen Park is dear to the Wetmores because Paul's grandpa took him there to ride the train as a child. (Don't you just love that the park is still a vital and thriving part of our park community??) 

We've now captured their gorgeous little Lucy Anne here while she was in the womb, after her christening, and today for her first birthday. It makes me so happy that she will grow up playing in such a beautiful park. 

It's a little bittersweet to post these images today; it's been so sweet having the privilege to capture her 5 times in the last year and I'm sad to see the year come to an end. Haley and Paul you've done such an amazing job so far. Both of you are never without a smile on your face and that shines through in her little face as well. If she learns nothing else, I believe she'll always know how to find the joy in life. What a beautiful gift. I cannot wait to hear about all the adventures you'll take her on. 

In the meantime, enjoy reliving this precious early sunrise in the park with your little munchkin. :)

When the world gives you a hard time Lucy Anne, you just throw this sass at it, I promise it'll back down. :)

When the world gives you a hard time Lucy Anne, you just throw this sass at it, I promise it'll back down. :)