Cynthia Viola Photography

Family of 4

Stoner Family Session at Lake Norman

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don’t wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future
— Earl Nightingale
Lake Norman Family Photographer

These cutie pies always know how to have a good time! From roaring like a lion, pretending to be superman, and showering mommy in kisses to seeing how many times they can roll down the hill before they get sick; I always love hanging out with Charlie and Finn! As soon as I got to their house Charlie immediately grabbed my hand and started walking me toward his art gallery so he could tell me about every single one, and Finn talked about all the things he loves in the color red. (especially my car...2 points) :)

Chrissy always manages to find a new location for us to shoot and this time we were both blown away with the gorgeous grasses surrounding the lake at their golf club. That mixed with the gorgeous golden sunset made last night a dream. 

Forever grateful for my ever expanding family so many opportunities to spend time with them. 

Lake Norman Family Photographer
Lake Norman Family Photographer
Lake Norman Family Photographer
Lake Norman Family Photographer
Lake Norman Family Photographer
Lake Norman Family Photographer

Rose Garden Family Portraits | Rafidi Family

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
We do not remember days, we remember moments
— Cesare Pavese
family of 4 at the raleigh rose garden

Engagement, wedding, maternity, and now two kiddos and 5 years later these two are still deeply in love and crazy about their incredible girls. We had plenty of time to catch up as little Grace led us around The Raleigh Rose Garden seeking the best rose and the coolest hiding places.

Johnny said his favorite thing about two girls is that they really love each other. Next, Hannah asked Grace who her best friend was and without hesitation she said Zoe. Apparently they love to fall asleep next to each other and wake up giggling. I love that SO much! Siblings are the very best!

The garden was of course, still beautiful, with or without the fall sunshine, still vibrant and filled with flowers! I hope you guys enjoy a few of these images from this afternoon!

1 year old
3 year old exploring
family of 4 at the raleigh rose garden

Pullen Park Family Photo Session | Veraolivero Family

Family Portraits, Senior PortraitsCynthia Viola
Not everyone is meant to make a difference. But for me, the choice to lead an ordinary life is no longer an option.
— Peter Parker

Considering Alex sported a Spider Man graphic tee at the end of the session, I figured a Peter Parker quote would be acceptable. ;) 

Senior Session at Pullen Park

I had a blast with these guys last night! Alex is graduating this year so this was technically a senior session, but it's so much better when the whole family is involved! Having Joey tease him in the background and asking him questions about crushes and his future brought out his natural modeling skills. Then Joey stepped in showing they were BOTH naturals! Love it! 

Elizabeth and Roscari were no different, everyone came prepared to have a great time and there was plenty of joy to go around. The weather at Pullen Park was amazing allowing us to walk all over the park, and Elizabeth was the hero of the day walking the entire park and climbing hills and train tracks in her heels! She kept skewering a few leaves which always made the boys laugh, we had so much fun! Here's a few images from the day!

lgbtq family photos
Pullen Park Senior Session
Pullen Park Senior Session
Senior portraits pullen park
lgbtq family photos
Pullen park senior session
Pullen Park Senior Session
lgbtq family photos

The Nardi Family at Moses Cone Park

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Clouds come floating into life, not to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to the sunset sky
— Rabindranath Tagore
Family Portraits at Moses Cone

It has been quite a while since I've been able to spend time with these cuties, though not without effort. Every trip to Boone where I have a free slot we attempt to make a photo session work out and it seems every thing from schedules to the weather to sick kiddos has prevented it. This time, however, I had a last minute cancellation from another family and on a whim sent Lindsey a text to see if they could pull it off and it worked! 

My kind of people are the ones who tend to thrive on chaos like myself. Life just seems too boring when every detail is planned. As usual with kiddos, I let Bentley and Parker guide most of the session, leading us to the parts of the park they thought were the coolest while I found the best light in each spot. Lindsey and Brandon are, of course, always super laid back and we spent the time chasing the kiddos catching up on the past year. Gonna miss these guys in Florida, but can't wait to come back and visit! Love you guys!

Family Portraits at Moses Cone
Family Portraits at Moses Cone
Nursing mother at Moses Cone

Sometimes it's hard to make all the kiddos happy at the same time, I loved that Lindsey was able to take little Parker off for a few quiet moments to calm him while Brandon and Bentley played. Beautiful moments can be captured when you're focused on having a good time with your family rather than trying to get the perfect shot. 

Family Portraits at Moses Cone
Family Portraits at Moses Cone
Child playing at Moses Cone
Family Portraits at Moses Cone
Family Portraits at Moses Cone

Luca's First Birthday!

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter
— Brad Henry
First Birthday Photo Shoot

I am pretty sure you've never met a more adorable and beautiful family than the Beldens. Not only are they gorgeous but they are such amazing assets in the community, loved by everyone they meet and doing everything they can to make a positive impact in our city. 

It's just an added bonus that Lyla and Luca are the most adorable Gerber models out there. I just died when they pulled Luca out of the car shirtless and barefooted and started putting on his suspenders! He has the very best personality already and just loves to explore all the things. 

Something that doesn't always come across in family portraits are the images in between the good ones. Poor Lyla was not excited about having her photo taken and decided to pout in the corner while we took photos of Luca...but then, she didn't want to be left out. She couldn't make up her mind between participating in what the family was doing (which she didn't want to do) and being alone. Such good life lessons. 

First Birthday Photo Shoot

Eventually we were able to promise her that if she'd participate, and be happy about it, I would come back to her house after to eat ice cream (for breakfast) and play with her favorite toys. Did I mention I have the best job on the planet? SUCH a great day! Thank you guys for allowing me to capture this special day! 

First Birthday Photo Shoot
First Birthday Photo Shoot

(this is a flash back from Lyla's one year session a couple years ago... notice any similarities) :) 

First Birthday Photo Shoot
First Birthday Photo Shoot
First Birthday Photo Shoot

Raleigh Rose Garden | Elin Turns One!

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Remember you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine
— Snow White
First Birthday Cake Smash

I remember meeting these cuties when Sweet Elin was still in her mommy's tummy. They were so excited to welcome her into the world and she has made quite an impact already! She is full of smiles and loves music and birthday cake! (so does big brother Everett) ;)

The Rose Garden was absolutely perfect last night for Elin's birthday cake debut and she did not disappoint! Her favorite part might have been knocking it over, but had a blast and gave us lots of great smiles as she bathed in icing. Hope you enjoy a few of these favorites from the night!

The Tapio Family at Jubilee Gardens

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. Scattered along life’s pathway, the good they do is inconceivable.
— Joseph Addison

It's always such a treat so see AnnaMarie and Brian. We have been friends for so long (their first date was actually at our wedding almost 12 years ago). We lived with them for a minute in Banner Elk (and may or may not have caught their oven on fire and flooded their living room with the dishwasher). And just a couple years later they moved to Raleigh and we were roommates again! 

We've had more late night conversations than I can remember, shared road trips, dreams and toothpaste. Getting to witness them follow their dreams with a home in Roan Mountain plus two sweet kiddos has been such a joy.

When a quick family session while I was in the area turned into a sleepover, no one was surprised. It might have even involved bourbon, homemade jerky and having my hair styled by Zoe.  ;) We've all got a few dreams in store for the future and I'm just grateful I know we'll be friends through all of it. 

When they said they knew of an iris field I was sure they meant just a small back yard with a half dozen flowers. I never dreamed his parents actually owned a nursery! It's SO beautiful. Here's a few images from our session at Jubilee Gardens.

Gabriel Turns One!

Family PortraitsCynthia Viola
Girl, n. A giggle with glitter on it.
Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it.
— Not Your Average Dictionary
Raleigh Family of 4 photos

Oh my goodness, I've been capturing memories for these two since little Noelle was still in her momma's belly. Now Gabriel is turning one and it's hard to imagine where the time went!

We planned this shoot months ago for the NC History Museum expecting it to be freezing outside so Gabe and Noelle could marvel at the dinosaurs and we could all stay a little warmer. That ended up not being necessary though; it's almost 80 degrees outside today! I will take it, love me some spring weather in the middle of winter! We ended up hanging out on the Capitol Building's lawn so we could include some green trees and grass with Gabe's one year balloons.

I just love how these two already love each other! Sometimes kiddos don't respond well to snuggling and kisses but Noelle was more than happy to stay right by her Gabe and make sure he could walk around without falling. I hope you enjoy a few of these favorites from this morning! 

Raleigh Family of 4 photos
Raleigh Family of 4 photos
Raleigh Family of 4 photos